Swag Jesus is a revolutionary speaker first of all. His music is just another way of getting his opinions across to the people. Also known as Reckless, and Recky Reck, Swag Jesus plays many characters in his journey to the improvement of the Earths People!
Many people have criticized his out look on life and pushed him away because of the powerful comments he makes on life, death, and religion. Most would say he is going against the grain with his plan for a new world!
For all of those who don't understand why he goes by SWAG JESUS, well here it is!!!
Swag Jesus refers to himself as that for many reasons. In a previous interview Swag Jesus Said "I know people don't understand but soon they will, I call myself Swag Jesus Because I believe God put us on this planet to become a model human, basically become a reflection of himself. I live my life as if I was Jesus. I love everyone as he would and I would die for the people I'm on this earth with."
Please don't overlook the great message that SWAG JESUS has to offer.